Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Monday, May 12, 2008

New Puppy!

So, we have a new puppy coming to our crazy home today, and I am very worried! What did I get myself into! I mean on one hand, I am very excited for the kids because they are in love with dogs, but on the other, if you don't know I am a clean freak in every since of the word, so I am scared to death of what my house will end up looking like. In the beginning I had always told Monty that I would never have a dog inside, but then realizing how much it would cost to fence in our over half an acre yard, I gave in!!! Eli and Layla had been talking about puppies so much lately and I just wanted to give this to them. We put the crate together last night and brought the doggy bed in and I just became very overwhelmed. I thought to myself 'we have a 1,000sqft home, where am I going to put this stuff!'. Then Monty was putting out the doggy dishes and he put them in the kitchen, and I said to him 'yuck, in the kitchen really?' and he replied 'well do you have a better place for them?'. I had no answer for that so I just had to go along! Something about dog food and dog hair in my kitchen just really tests me!! Believe me this will be the cleanest, no shedding dog you've ever seen, it will be the only way I'll survive!!! I even told Monty that when we take the dog outside to use the bathroom that before she comes back in we need to wipe her paws :) Can you believe me, a little OCD what do you think?? Anyways it will all work out and things will be great. Zoey will be a great addition to our family, who knows maybe she will actually make me get up in the mornings and go running :)

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