Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Monday, December 1, 2008


I got up early this morning and am going to try and make this a habit. I love the piece and quiet I get before everyone else wakes, it gives me time to reflect on my life and blessings and to read my devotion for the day and my Bible. This mornings devotion really touched me so I thought I would share a little about it...
The devotion was from the lady from proverbs 31 ministries and I just love how she writes. You can view it at go down to November 13th's. The message is titled " Even a great husband makes a very poor God". The title itself says alot. I don't know how many times I tried to make my husband be what I wanted and fill all of my needs when we first got married, it must have been a million. I actually had been doing this until recently and just haven't noticed it. I feel so ashamed for not being the wife God called me to be, I have been a very selfish one. I am unselfish in every way with my children but why am I so selfish with my husband at times? I have wanted him to do everything for me and if he didn't do that or I didn't like what he wasn't doing then i just felt like our marriage was failing. Little did I know that I was the reason for the failure, if I could just learn to be unselfish and put his needs first then things would make more sense.
I really started to realize this and really work inside myself about my marriage when we went to see the movie "Fireproof". I had never really read or studied before what God says that a marriage should be and this movie really brought it into perspective for me. Marriage is not about right and wrong, nor is it about what my mate can do for me, but it is about what you can do for them and how you can impact their lives. My husband has had this right attitude about marriage long before me and I just didn't realize it because I was too busy thinking I was the better one, that I was right. I needed to humble myself and realize that I wasn't being a good wife or a good disciple of God. So from this day forward I am going to work every second of everyday to be that kind of wife and if I have voids in my life i need filled, I will turn to God not my husband or any man on earth, b/c only God can fill those voids.
Here are a few quotes from this devotion that i really loved and made me think:
1. Getting married doesn't instantly make you selfless... it makes you realize how very selfish you can be at times.
2. Getting married doesn't take away loneliness... it makes you realize true companionship comes not when you demand it but rather when you give it to another person.
3. So, what does marriage give? A beautiful chance to make the choice to ...

Laugh whether or not the jokes are funny.
Love by folding his collar over his tie every morning.
Pretend like you don't need flowers, but delight when he buys them anyway.
Cheer him on through both failures and successes.
Tell him he's a great man everyday. this is one that I definately dont do enough....

Also if you are interested in the movie Fireproof here is the site The movie comes out January 27 on dvd.

1 comment:

Hollie said...

That's a really good post Alyssa. What is amazing is that most people don't have this figured out till it's too late. It takes a lot to forgive, but it also takes a lot to forgive ourselves and change. Ryan says that when he is working with families, their is one phrase he hears over and over again. I'm not the one with the problem, they are. He has told me that 99% don't think they need to change, they think the other person has to change. Then, the cycle just goes on and on till they can't take it anymore. So, it's stopping the cycle, I've learned that I have to do that in other aspects in my life to have a happy marriage and family, and to be the Mother I was intended to be. I've also learned that all the answers we need are truly in the scriptures, like you were mentioning before. It is a great way to start the day, isn't it?