Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Monday, August 2, 2010

Target Savings Today.....60%!!!!

I have always tried to be frugal and get the best deals I possibly can. I clip coupons and only buy what is on sale each week at the grocery store. Recently, though, I was reminded of,, and and it really made me interested in finding ALL the deals at all the best stores! So....I took my lazy Sunday afternoon yesterday and organized all the great savings through all three sites for Target, Kroger, Walgreens, and CVS, and today I went to Target to try out my savings.
I was so impressed! I was able to get Dot 2 pairs of shorts (for next summer), Yacko a shirt, Wacko a shirt, 2 packs of 12-count Nature Valley bars, kids Aquafresh toothpaste, 8pack Juicy Juice boxes, and 2 10-count packs of bic pens all for...........12.08 (AFTER tax)!!!!!!!!! You wouldn't believe how estactic I was after I left there!!!!! I ended up saving $18 total which is a 60% savings! I was so proud of myself, and this was all stuff that we could use, and do use.

Now, I am not trying to brag in any way, I just get very excited when I find great deals and wanted to share this info with any of you that might could use it. Just go to and she has a great tutorial to help you get started on how to save and how her "game" works :)

Can't wait to see what I save at Walgreens and CVS now, oh and Kroger at the end of this week!

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