Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What I have been up to the last 6 months!!

Well as many of you noticed I have been gone for about 6 months now, but I AM BACK! :)

I kind of got into a rut and just let things overwhelm me and forgot to blog every night for about 6 months !

A lot has happened over the last 6 months, the biggest thing of all being that we decided to have ANOTHER baby!!! Yes you heard that right, baby #4 is on the way and I am sooo excited !!!! This is a decision that we have been contemplating for over a year now and finally in March we decided we would try for a month and if God wanted us to be pregnant we would be by the end of the month and if he didnt then we wouldn't and we wouldn't try again. Welp, I guess God felt the same as us and we needed another little blessing in our life :) I am 21 weeks pregnant and trying to enjoy every single bit of this pregnancy and so far I have. It is amazing to me how in just 3 years you can forget so much about pregnancy and having a baby, it's like I am experiencing it all for the first time again.
We have our 20 week ultrasound scheduled for this Thursday the 2nd and I am oh so excited. Not only to find out if it is a boy or girl but also to just see this sweet little baby's picture!! We haven't had an ultrasound since I was 8 weeks and we were confirming the pregnancy, so I am in huge need of seeing this sweet baby. Also we will be taking the other 3 munchkins with us so I am very excited to see their reactions to the pictures and movements, etc.
So....due date is around January 12 (which is just one day after Yacko's birthday :) ) I will post the ultrasound pics as soon as we get them Thursday !

The next big thing that has happened is my first born started kindergarten yesterday!!!! It was a very bittersweet day. I thought that everything was going to be fine and I was going to be fine until I was putting him to bed Sunday night. We had bought him a new book to welcome the kindergarten year and let's just say I kind of lost it! The book was "On the Way to Kindergarten" and it is about all that your child does the first 5 years, it goes though the years year by year. It really tore me up, thinking about the first time I gave him baby food, the first time he didn't need a booster seat anymore, and how he had to read the same book over and over but now he was all grown up and on his way to kindergarten. Him being the first born and the first to do all these things is what made it the hardest. Although I will have another baby in January, I still wont have him doing any of these things again. He is growing up way too fast!

So this is kind of my life the last 6 months in a nutshell. So I plan on being back and at it most all nights from now on. Oh how I have missed blogging :) See you tomorrow!

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