Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful List 2010

I have decided this year and every year at Thanksgiving, I am going to make a list of the 50 things I am thankful for. We all have so much to be thankful and it helps to list them out so we don't forget the many good things in our lives.

1. First and foremost I am thankful for an Amazing/Forgiving and Loving God. He has

never left my side through everything, even when I feel I am not forgivable or lovable, he still

loves and forgives AND FORGETS. What an amazing God I serve.

2. A loving husband that is there for me in every way I need and could ever have asked for.

He has blessed me in more ways than I can express. Thank you honey!

3. Three beautiful, healthy and awesome children. I love them each equally and it just

amazes me how my love has grown with each one.

4. Baby #4 who is on her way very soon. I am so excited and getting very impatient for her

5. A strong, loving, dependable and christian father who has taught me so much (even

through my stubbornness at times) that I will never forget. For showing me exactly how a man

should treat a woman and take care of his family.

6. My strong, christian mother who, until I had children myself, did not realize what a

wonderful mother and woman she is. She had to put up with so much from me and I was so very
ungrateful for all she did. I thank her for never giving up on me and praying for me, even when it
had to have been hard. And for how she has made me the mother I am today, couldn't have done
it without her.

7. A caring and loving sister who is like a best friend to me. I hope my girls grow up one day

to have the great relationship we have now. Who would have known after all the

fighting/screaming we did in our childhood :)

8. My extended family that I was married into that has warmly welcomed me into their

family. They love me and the family Monty and I have created so much. I am so thankful for


9. A warm/ safe house for me and my family. Though it may be small and not have the best

of everything, it keeps us warm and dry and gives us so much more than many others do not


10. Food on our table each and every night. No matter how rough times get, God always

provides our needs to have food everyday.

11. My husband's job that provides that food on the table. 3 years ago I don't think

either one of us would have thought he would be blessed with such an awesome job and boss to

work for. We can complain about it at times but all in all it is an awesome job and I am thankful.

So many do not have jobs right now.

12. My church family. It has brought me great friends, great fellowship and most of all a

deeper, wonderful relationship with God.

13. A car that is reliable. I can go out to the car every morning and know it will run for me

and my family.

14. To live in a free country. Where I can worship my God freely and without worry of being

prosecuted for it.

15. The many men and women who protect me in this world. Be it military, police,

firemen, rescue teams, I am thankful for them all.

16. A school that I can send Yacko to without worry. I know he will be safe and well

taken care of.

17. The blessing of a wonderful kindergarten teacher for Yacko. I prayed for over a year

that he would have a great teacher that I could trust and know she would teach him great things.
God truly blessed by giving him my favorite teacher from elementary school.

18. Healthy pregnancy/pregnancies. Although the last 2 months have always been rough

for me (and it is now), I have really had great pregnancies with each and everyone of my


19. Having all 5 senses. I was reading a book about Helen Keller to my children yesterday

during our preschool time and it just made me more aware and more thankful for having all my

senses. Being able to see God's beautiful creation, taste the wonderful foods, hear my children's

beautiful voices (even when they're screaming), feel God's many creations, and smell the fresh

fall air outside.

20. Jesus Christ. For Him dying for me and you, when we did not deserve it, so that we could

eternal life with Him in heaven.

21. Holy Spirit helping me through each and every day.

22. Electricity. We also learned yesterday about the many ways we get light, and one being

electricity. And about how the pioneer generation did not have electricity and had to use candles

to see in the dark. And how there are many people today who do not have/ can't afford


23. Having hot water/ indoor plumbing.

24. To have clothing on my back and on my children's'.

25. To be able to stay at home with my children.

26. Homeschooling my two youngest through preschool. I get to be the first to

experience every time they learn something new, and that is a huge blessing to me.

27. Milk Duds, Wendy's and all the places/ things that fix my pregnancy cravings :0)

28. Wonderful friends that do not judge me and just love me for who I am. You all

have no idea how much you mean to me and have helped me throughout the years.

29. The Wii that provides endless entertainment for my son without him having to sit down

like a lump on a log :)

30. My daughter's bubbly personality and huge heart. She is so much like me at times

that we do butt heads but she loves and has a huge heart for everyone. And most of the time, is

very happy go lucky.

31. SLEEEP...when I get it!

32. Being able to Bake. I love to cook but most definitely bake. It is a stress reliever and

happy thing for me to do.

33. Janette Oke's "Love Comes Softly" Books. I love her books because they ground me

and make me a better mom and wife.

34. The awesome Experiencing God bible study we are doing through our church right

now. It has taught me so much but most of all has brought me closer to God and His greatness.

35. For my brand-new second cousin that my cousin's family recently were able to adopt

and what a beautiful baby boy he is. God truly provided more than we all could have thought in

this situation.

36. For my blog and being able to share my thoughts with so many. It is such a great release

after a stressful day.

37. For a mom and dad who love each other and have taught me what a marriage should


38. Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class. It has taught Monty and I so much

about how to deal with our finances, biblically. The biggest thing it has taught us is how to keep

a budget and stick to it! If you have not taken his class, I highly recommend it.

39. That I can still enjoy Veggie Tales as much today as I did when I was younger :)

40. Yacko's very smart and thoughtful personality. He tends to teach me things

everyday that I did not know and amazes me every moment.

41. Clean water and that with just a lift of the faucet I can have it.

42. COFFEE! My favs being Pumpkin Spice Latte and Raspberry Howler.

43. The library. We use the library so much now that I am homeschooling. I really appreciate

all the books we are able to find and that, if the kids are good, they can also bring home a

movie :)

44. My blog readers and others' blogs. I just love reading everybody's comments and what

you all post on your own blogs. It truly brightens my day.

45. My MOPS group and all the special women there. They have taught me so much about

motherhood and how to be a Godly mother for my children. And it gives me a reason to get out

of the house twice a month for some wonderful girl talk.

46. The Moppets workers at my MOPS group. They are such a blessing for me. That I can

go and enjoy a couple hours to myself and know that they are teaching and taking care of my

children wonderfully.

47. Doctors, Nurses and all health personnel that truly devote all their time and energy

into a patient. And those that have taken such great care of my Wacko through the MANY

incidents he has already been through in his 3 years of life.

48. My wonderful and wacky Wacko, who has more energy than he knows what to do with.

He is a constant comedian, lover boy, and rotten to the core.

49. My many jobs that I love and can do when I want. From being a hairstylist, to a doula, to

volunteering at my church, I enjoy them all tremendously and am thankful I am able to do them

without and stress to do so.

50. And last but certainly not least....knowing that when I leave this world I will not die but have

everlasting life with my Father in heaven and many family members who have passed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had no idea your blog was up and running again- yay!