Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Friday, January 28, 2011

L's Birth Story

A very long and eventful labor that you may be interested in. This is how L came into the world:

Tues Jan 11 @ 2:00PM: contractions start every 10-15 minutes for two and a half hours, then
@8:00PM: contractions back, every 20 minutes and continued through the night into Wednesday

Wed Jan 12 @ 10:00AM: Arrived at the hospital to be checked. Still only 3cm, so we walked and walked and walked. Until 12PM. Then they sent us home because there was no change :(
@7:00PM: contractions started to become more frequent, 15 min apart, to 10 min apart, to finally 5 min apart !
@10:00PM: arrived at hospital AGAIN. 4cm dilated now, so we walked for 30 minutes
@11:30PM: admitted to the birthing center. 5cm dilated

Thurs Jan 13 @ 1:00AM: received epidural when hip pains became too much and I was beyond exhausted. 6 cm now.
@3:00AM: 8 cm dilated (but then L started to become very stubborn)
@5:45AM: still not progressing all the way to 10cm so pitocin was given
I was also running a fever of 99.7 so they gave me antibiotics as well.
@6:15AM: finally things have progressed and we are ready to push
L was trying to come out face up, so Dr Roberts had a "wrestling" match with her to get her to turn around

THURSDAY JANUARY 13 @6:29AM (after 30+hours of labor)SHE ARRIVED!!! After just 5 pushes and 15 minutes. 9lbs 6oz and 21 inches :)

And her story doesn't end here, we met more difficulties in the days to come but that will be in another post....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blessings to you in Christ, congratulations on the new addition to your family. The hardest thing for me to understand when I was a young mother was all the trials that come in life. Faith is tested so much in a family of a stay-at-home wife and mother and one income. We measure our success in temporal things far too often and this leaves us feeling more like failures, especially when we are the ones managing the finances. As wives, we must remember that if our husbands allow us to manage the finances, it is the admonishment for the husband to be the one who makes the finances solvent. As wives, we can do something to assist in the income if the duties of the home allow it. With so many young ones, please know that to earn money on top of that even with blogging is putting a lot of stress on you. The children and home come first and that is like 2 full times jobs (research has proved it to be so), to add another job on top is adding another job to the two you already have. Financial struggles will be a part of our everyday life when we choose to accept the calling of keeper at home. The only place we have is to put it in the hands of God. We home schooled with no budget at all and God provided for both our children the learning they needed. It was not easy and it was not always in peace, but it was always in trust. Trust is not about our feelings but about God’s ability, it is the waiting that often gets to us. May our Lord bless your staying at home.
Mrs. J.