Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Menu for August 8- August 14 (Menu Planning)

Monty is going to be leaving very early tomorrow morning, for 4 days, to go to Virginia Beach for a conference he has to help out at for work, so this weeks meals will be very simple. No extravagent recipes, just simple meat, potatoes and vegetables. But I am still planning the menu. So here is our plan for this week:

Monday- Breakfast: cereal

Lunch: shrimp poppers with fries

Dinner: Pork Chops with fried apples and butter noodles

Tuesday-Breakfast: pancakes with fruit

Lunch: hot dogs

Dinner: Rainy Day Brisket (or pot roast) w/ rice and broccoli

Wednesday- Breakfast- cereal

Lunch: kid's choice

Dinner: Rotisserie Chicken w/ corn and sweet potatoes

Thursday- Breakfast: bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit

Lunch: turkey sandwich with carrot sticks

Dinner: Roasted Chicken w/ green bean and mashed potatoes

Friday- Breakfast: free choice

Lunch: p.b. noodles

Dinner: Pizza (frozen probably)

Saturday- Breakfast: scrambled eggs and toast

Lunch: pb & j

Dinner: Chocolate Chicken with biscuits and peas

Sunday- Breakfast: cereal

Lunch: eat out

Dinner: leftovers

Have you started menu planning if you hadn't before? How is it working out for you or what is keeping you from doing so?


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for joining Three Thinking Mothers' Blog Roll!

LJS said...

Stopping by from Three Thinking Mothers! I try so hard to do menu planning. Most times I fail miserably but I keep trying!

Theresa said...

I am thinking about doing this for our new school year.

Thank you for linking up your blog with the Three Thinking Mothers blog roll!

Alyssa said...

Yeah menu planning is something that I have just recently started. I would do it one week in the past but then not the next. This is the first time I have really stuck to it. I used e-mealz for a while and still would be using them if I didn't have such diet restrictions with my daughter. They do all the planning for you (atleast for dinner) and even do it for under $85!

Theresa- it has really helped me with school and all going on. I don't have to think about what I am going to feed them.