Creating a Simple, Godly Life while homeschooling 4 children eight years and younger.
Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."
I love your blog! I've been seeing all your homeschool posts on facebook! Are you planning to homeschool again this fall? You have such a beautiful family!
Aww thank you Lindsay! I love your blog as well. I haven't posted anything since December so I feel a little out of the loop ;) We are praying about next year but as of right now I believe we are leaning towards homeschooling again. Last year I just let everything else get in the way of it I believe so if I do again I will have to be very diciplined, along with many other things. I am excited about it though. I could use all support I can get ;o)
I love your blog! I've been seeing all your homeschool posts on facebook! Are you planning to homeschool again this fall? You have such a beautiful family!
Aww thank you Lindsay! I love your blog as well. I haven't posted anything since December so I feel a little out of the loop ;)
We are praying about next year but as of right now I believe we are leaning towards homeschooling again. Last year I just let everything else get in the way of it I believe so if I do again I will have to be very diciplined, along with many other things. I am excited about it though. I could use all support I can get ;o)
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