This post comes after a great "stay at home" date night with my hubby.....
"Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing". -Ephesians 5:24
"Her husband is known in the gates, When he sitteth among the elders of the land."- Proverbs 31:23Homeschooling, household chores, babysitting, ministries at church, blog posts, and just everyday life keep me very busy. Unfortunately, amidst all this busyness, sometimes (I'll admit it) I forget about my husband.
It can be so easy to get caught up in everyday life and responsibilities. There are mouths to feed, mountains of laundry to wash, toys to put away, blog posts to write, emails to send, and then add in homeschooling! Lessons to plan, field trip to think of, papers to fill out, crafts to organize, etc. I have found out, since starting homeschooling this year, it becomes very easy to put the children and their school before my husband. And I am sure many of you, whether you homeschool or not, run into the same issues. That is not the way I want it to be, or the way God calls it to be. It is just so easy to slip into without even realizing it. Blinded by responsibilities and love for my children, I forget showing my love for my husband.
This is why I have decided to start my own challenge and I would love for you to join in with me. Prayers for My Husband. I am committing to pray for my husband EVERY day. I commit to pray these needs fro him every morning:
- His Work
- His Walk with the Lord
- His Heart
- His Dreams or wherever God is leading him.
- that God will show me that day how to show my love to him
My husband is so awesome and so selfless that he would say he understands I have a lot on my plate and it's okay for him not to come first. But really, is it? After God, as wives, we are called to put our husband first no matter what we have going on in our lives. Maybe there's some things we need to get rid of to make this happen (just make sure it's not anything God has called us to do for Him).
So, join with me on this 30 day journey of praying for our husbands. And each Sunday we can come back together. I will share how God has worked that week through my prayer for him and you can share your experiences as well (and link up your posts :) ). I encourage you to keep a journal every day of your experiences, trials and needs through this journey. I will also try to provide ideas of how we can keep our marriage fresh and lively with so many other responsibilities.
Start today and pray for your husband FIRST :)
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