Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Friday, March 26, 2010

Savings At Kroger

I Love Love Love Kroger, especially when they have their 8 and 10 item sales! I can save sooo much money. This is just an example of one of those times. They were having their 8 item sale, where if you buy 8 of the participating items, you get $4 off. Well I made sure I planned my trip and bought 15 items (was supposed to be 16 somehow I messed up) and made sure I had my coupons to go with some of the items. Actually many of the coupons I had were also the items on the 8 item sale :)

Here is copy of the bottom of my receipt which shows my coupons (and the wonderful bonus coupons ) and the amount I saved after coupons. I saved

71.34 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!

And here is the copy that shows how much I saved without coupons, just by using my kroger card and ONLY buying things on sale, unless it was a true necessity!

And you can see where it says {+} = 15, that I accidently only bought 15 items!!! This really made me very upset once I noticed it. If I had noticed it while in checkout I would have definitely went back and bought one more .99 item. That would have given me another $4 off!!!

If you can't tell I am a real nerd about bargain shopping and saving as much money as possible, especially on groceries! And just let me tell you that this was not on a lot of processed bagged foods, I still got a ton of fresh veggies, meats and a lot of it actually came from the dairy section. I just LOVE KROGER!! :)

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