Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Frugal Friday (One Day Late)- Pizza/Movie Night

About a year ago we decided as a family that we were going to make Friday Nights a pizza and movie night. You can do this anytime of the week but we felt like Friday nights was a good time for us because it kind of ended it busy week with relaxation and welcomed the weekend together. This has been such a great blessing for our family, even though we don't get to have it EVERY week, but we try and reschedule it as well we can! The kids look forward to it sooo much.

We started the pizza nights with ordering out pizza , but quickly found out that some weeks we just didn't have the money to order pizza so I thought we should start making our own. This isn't something we do every week because honestly sometimes mommy just needs a break from cooking, but it is so wonderful to do most Friday nights because it saves us so much money. The only thing that I usually have to buy is cheese and pepperonis, I usually have everything else on hand already.

I make my own marinara sauce that I use for the pizza, and it is so easy and sooo inexpensive. You can either use 1 large can of whole tomatoes or use fresh tomatoes. See my post on cooking fresh tomatoes. Here is the recipe for my quick inexpensive marinara sauce.

I also make my own crust, this is another way that I save a lot of money and definitely makes for much more tasty pizza then store bought crust. If you do not have the time to make your own though, I would suggest going to your local pizzeria and asking to if you could buy some of their dough. Most places will happily provide you with this. I use Tyler Florence's recipe for pizza crust, it is wonderful. Find it here.

Here are some pictures of our first pizza night :)

The kids individual pizzas...

Mommy and Daddy's Pizzas...

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