Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Monday, March 26, 2012

Not Ours but HIS

While cleaning out the cabinets today I found this bag....and it reminded me of God's promises and how they never change.

This is the bag that we used for Wacko when he was electrocuted from a wall outlet and received 3rd degree burns on his hands and he had to stay in a burn unit at UVA for a couple days.  The 3rd degree burns were very bad and he even had to be put to sleep for them to clean them, but things could have been so much worse.  I am convinced there was an angel there with him that day.  The voltage of electricity never even touched his heart or damaged anywhere else on his body.  It was simply amazing, a miracle.  Even the nurses and doctors at UVA were amazed. 

This bag held all the stuff we had to use to clean his wounds for weeks. It reminds me that God promises to always be with us and His children (because they do not belong to us, He has just entrusted their care to us, they are His children).  And that He will heal, whether that be healing them to live and carry out more of their calling on Earth or healing them and bringing them home to live for eternity with no more pain. 

God has showed me in so many ways that I need not worry about my children.  Through Wacko's birth defect (which I do not believe it is a defect at all), to him falling from the top of a set of stairs onto concrete floor and only leaving with bruises and a knot, to his shock with electricity, to L and her trials with oxygen and even to Yacko having RSV at just 2 months old and being hospitalized for it. I am constantly reminded of how God keeps His promises and HOW MUCH he loves us.

So that is why I took a picture of this bag of gauze pads, antibiotic ointment, scissors, heavy duty lotion, etc...because it is easy to forget all the trials God has already brought you through when you might be in another.  So I will keep this picture (but throw bag away :) ) so I can look back on it when I am experiencing a trial and I can remember His promises and love for me.

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