Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Our Eclectic Curriculum

Not Back to School Blog Hop So, it is another year of homeschooling for our Family and I am determined to stay focused this year and use what works for us!  Last year I think I looked at too many choices that others used and didn't do what I know would be best for us.  So that is how we have become an eclectic homeschool family.  I have picked and choosed for different subjects, what would work best for each child for that area of study.  Here it is and I urge you to not following all that we are doing, but research it all yourself and see if it is a fit for your family.  This is not a to do list, it is more of an options list. 

History- finishing out our Sonlight & maybe Mystery of History mid way through the year. While I do love Sonlight, I am thinking each of our children could use something more biblically based.
Science- Apologia Exploring Creation - Flying Animals of the Fifth Day (I am so excited about this new Science curriculum for us, just doing the lesson plans the other day made me want to start right away)
Math- Singapore 2B and 3A
Spelling- Sequential Spelling
               Explode the Code?  (this is still a decision we are making for him if he would benefit from it or not) 
Reading- Sonlight Readers grade 3
LA- Sonlight LA3
Handwriting- Handwriting without Tears Printing Power and Cursive
                      Working on adding some type of keyboarding lesson in this year as well but haven't picked on yet.....looking for suggestions :)
Music- we are hoping to put him in piano lessons this year (although we do not have a piano yet).  He has a great interest in this.
PE: Gymnastics

Math- Singapore EarlyBird Mathematics book B, then on to Primary Mathematics 1A
Phonics- 100 easy lessons
                Explode the Code Book B
Reading- Sonlight Readers grade K and 1
LA- Sonlight LA K
Handwriting- Handwriting Without Tears, My Printing Book
Math- Singapore EarlyBird Mathematics A and B
Phonics- 100 easy lessons
                Explode the Code Book A
Reading- Sonlight Readers K
LA- Sonlight LA-K
Handwriting- Handwriting without Tears Letters and Numbers for Me
I am going to have 3 children homeschooling this year!  WOW!  Working on being more relaxed this year though, and just having fun with learning !  How about you?


Unknown said...

Sometimes too many suggestions from others can lead to overload. Glad you are focused on what your kiddos will benefit from this year. Your choices look good. Apologia is a great series.

We use Time4Learning and supplement with various things like Vocabulary Spelling City, Drive Thru History, and Vocabulary Can Be Fun just to name a few.

You wanted suggestions for typing. There are lots of programs out there and many are free. My daughter played typing games at Learning Games for Kids

Best wishes for a great year.

My Attempt at Blogging
Quaint Scribbles and 3 D Learners

Megan said...

Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog. Love your list of things this year. I think you will love Apologia science. We have Land Animals and it was great!

Alisha said...

Hi, I came from the bloghop and have a question:
I see that your two middle children are/have both used the Singapore Earlybird workbook. Did you just buy another one? Or did you somehow preserve the one your older child did?
Thanks-just trying to figure out my options.

Sarah said...

You will NOT be disappointed with Apologia. We have not done the book you will be using this year, but we are going on our third year using this curriculum and love it!

If you are interested in connecting with other Apologia users, check out the Apologia Blog Roll that I host here:


Alyssa said...

Jackie- thank you for the advice!

Alisha- as far as what we did for Singapore is I bought them each their own workbook, whether the older one had used it or not. I did not copy the pages, because that is actually illegal I believe. The workbooks are fairly cheap and I found all of mine on ebay for a very discounted price.

Sarah- thanks for the advice on the apologia blogroll...I will check that out!