Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yakko turns 4!!!

It is so hard to believe that 3 years and 361 days ago Yakko first entered the world! He was born at 6:56 AM on January 11, 2005 at Carilion Hospital ( I cant believe I still remember the time). He was the greatest and worst pregnancy of all. The first 6 months were wonderful, enjoying my new belly and my first year of marriage with Monty. I remember I first felt his flutter at 12 weeks and found out he was a boy at 20 weeks (that was the craziest thing to see). Then at about 7 months things became more complicated. I started having mild contractions and became very uncomfortable. I kept calling my doctor and making trips to the hospital to make sure all was alright, i am sure that became sick of hearing from me.

After many checkups with my ob/gyn we noticed that I was already dilated 2 cm. Then about 10 weeks before I was due, we found out I was 3 cm dilated. So needless to say I was put on bedrest for 2 months!! I was on modified bedrest most of the time, which meant I could get up and walk around, but no working and no driving. It was miserable!! And remember Monty and I were in our first year of marriage at the time, so the money I was making from work was very needed!!! It was STRESS after STRESS after STRESS!! I look back though and thank God so much that I had family around to help me during this time b/c I dont think Monty and mine's relationship would have lasted if it werent for them.

So anyways each week that I went to the doc from then on was always nerve racking, just trying to make it to another week without him being born! I finally made it to 37 weeks and Dr. Campbell said that she wanted to go ahead and take me in to be partiallly induced. I went in on January 11 at 12:00AM and at 1:00 AM they put some type of stuff on my cervix to soften it and hopefully help me to gain stronger more productive contractions. Well that is EXACTLY what it did. I wanted to have a natural/ non medicated childbirth but I was so young and had no idea what to expect that when I became 6cm dilated and contractions were sooo hard, the only thing I could think is DRUGS!!! Now after more experience and reading I know that there are other options first, getting up and out of the bed first off would have helped. So they came in and gave me an epi. at around 5:30 and after that I became very calm and relaxed.

My mom, my sister, Monty, Monty's mom and his grandmother decided to take a nap. Once everyone fell asleep that's when things started happening, of course. All of the sudden I felt an urge to push and there was no stopping it!! After just 15 min of pushing and 3 pushes, Yakko was born! A big 8 lb 2oz bald headed boy!!!!

It was the most joyous moment of my life. Birth is such a wonderful experience and such a miracle, but I don't think I had realized that until I had my first child, it's like everything just lit up right when he entered the world. He is the light of my life and always will be, everything I do is for him! I LOVE YOU Yakko :)

1 comment:

Donna said...

Happy Birthday Eli!