Deuteronomy 6:7 "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Monday, August 1, 2011

“Not” Back to School Blog Hop: Curriculum Week

I will be participating in Heart of the Matter's "Not" Back to School posts this month and for this week it is about curriculum choosing. I will share with you the curriculum we will be using this 2011-2012 school year.

This will be our first year homeschooling so I tried to keep things pretty simple when choosing curriculum and I chose the same thing for both children. Then next year I will be more picky once I figure out what does and doesn't work for us. I will be homeschooling Yacko (6.5)and Dot (soon to be 5) this school year, while doing a few Pre-K things with Wacko.

So here is what we have chosen:

History/Geography/Science: Sonlight's Core A Program

Language Arts: Sonlight LA for K Readers and LA for Grade 1 Readers

Math: Dot: Singapore Earlybird K

Yacko: Singapore Primary Mathematics 1A &1B

Handwriting: Handwriting without Tears K and 1

Bible: we will be using our Awana's program for Bible time

Art: We will go through the first section "Drawing" in our "Big book of Art"

I am getting very excited about this year! We had plans to start our "school year" today but everyone in our house is sick right now, so we are postponing it until everyone gets well. I am hoping that will be tomorrow :D

Subscribe to my blog and you can FOLLOW ME on my homeschooling journey this first year! I am planning on blogging once a week, at least, about what is going on and what I have learned this first year.

What curriculum are you using this year?


Dawn said...

What great choices. Have a great year.

Dawn said...

What great choices. Have a great year.

Amy said...

Welcome to homeschooling. I'm sure it will be a great experience :-)

S said...

So glad that I stopped by from the HOTM blog hop!! We are using a lot of the same curriculum (except mine is Sonlight D+E and Singapore 5 for a 5th grader). It is also my first year!! Can't wait to hear how your year is going. Stop by and check in! We start in 2 weeks! I can't wait!! :-)

Tiffany said...

Great choices. My bf uses Sonlight & LOVES it!!
HWOT is my favorite curriculum for that age.
Blessings on your new adventure in homeschooling!

jess_hak said...

I'm a new follower. :) We have kids in similar age groups (I have a 5,3,and 2). This is our first 'official' year of schooling too. I'm really interested in seeing how HWOT goes for you. We are having such a difficult time with the writing portion of the curriculum that I chose. I'm wondering if maybe I should try to scrounge up some money and buy it. :) Looking forward to following your progress throughout the year.

Alyssa said...

Thank you all so much for your comments and your encouragement in homeschooling, I know I will need it :)
S- I look forward to following you as well on your first year and will pray for a great experience!

Tiffany- I am really looking forward to what HWOT has to offer, it seems like such fun.

jess_hak- I look forward to you following with me as well! And look forward to comments. I will try and post how HWOT is going, I really look forward to it. I pray blessings on your first year of schooling as well :)

So excited with all the input....keep it coming!!!

Sally said...

You are going to have so much fun this year! I hope that this Blog Hop has introduced you to some new ideas and fun new blogs to visit! Enjoy your year!